Foot and Ankle Pain


The foot and ankle are two of the most versatile and complex areas of your body. One foot alone contains 26 bones supported by a network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. When everything is working well, you hardly give them a thought. But when a problem arises, it’s often impossible to ignore.

Foot and Ankle Problems By the Numbers:

  • 43 Million American adults, or one in six, have foot problems; the ratio increases to one in three over age 65.*
  • 11Million Americans visit doctors’ offices for foot and ankle problems each year.*
  • 1Million pounds of pressure the feet absorb during an hour of strenuous exercise.*
  • 1,000 The average number of miles an American walks each year; two to three times total body weight is placed on the big toe during the push-off phase of walking.*
  • The average person walks the equivalent of 3 times around the Earth in a lifetime.*


Some conditions that may affect your foot and/or ankle could be:

  • A fracture and/or sprain
  • Tendonitis
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis (heel pain)
  • Bone spurs
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Diabetic foot ulcers


Fortunately, most cases of foot and ankle pain respond well to treatments like rest, ice, orthotics (shoe inserts), prescribed exercises, and anti-inflammatory medications. Local cortisone injections can also provide pain relief.

However, when these medical treatments fail to provide adequate pain relief, surgery may be an option. Often foot and ankle surgery is performed on an outpatient basis using minimally invasive techniques. These techniques may mean less pain and less risk, as well as a faster recovery time.

If you are suffering from foot and ankle pain, please contact us for further evaluation and discussion of treatment options.

South Coast Orthopaedic Associates is now part of Coquille Valley Health. Go to for more information about their primary care services.


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If you are an existing patient, you can schedule an appointment here.

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2699 N 17th St, Coos Bay OR 97420 541-266-3600